
If you are interested in your child attending Pre-School, you are welcome to drop in to see us, or give us a ring on 01949 844489 to find out more.

We are open Monday to Friday in term time from 8.00am until 4.00pm, with lunch from 11.45am - 12.45pm and we take children from the age of two.

Before your child starts, we ask you to fill in a Registration form and give you a copy of our Privacy Notice. There is a one-off administration fee of £45 and we need a copy of your child’s birth certificate to process funding.

We will then ask you to complete an 'About Me' page as this helps us get to know your child’s likes and dislikes before they start.

You and your child are very welcome to visit us before the start of your child's paid sessions as this will help your child get to know us. When your child first starts, you may stay to settle them for as long as you both feel it is necessary. We are there to offer support and guidance and we recognise every child will settle in their own way.

To support children’s well-being and development at Pre-School, we operate a key person system where a named member of staff is allocated as your child’s key person before they start. Their role is to build a positive relationship with your child and work with you and any other settings your child attends to ensure your child’s individual needs are met. See our Key Person policy for more information.